Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Cocaine Blues

I´m awake at five o´clock, though, I was barely asleep last night. I´m still half-cut. I met Dug for a few beers at The Magpie. Despite both of us knowing the risks involved, three of those beers were Thornbridge´s incredible and dangerous Jaipur, punching five-point-nine percent ABV. Despite only having had four beers, I might as well have been upside down. Even when I arrived home an hour later, I was completely unable to pack. Despite being in no fit state, and still half-cut, I´m up at Five, able to throw some things into a bag, and  out of the house by 0545h.

We do like that Jaipur.

After a plane and a bus and a walk, I´m back on normal operating mode. Captain Andy introduces me to the boat, Alibi III. She´s a thirty-six foot sloop, with a rich thirty-year history that includes a stint as a drug boat which ended abruptly with her being caught with ninety-odd kilos of Africa´s finest white gold. She was impounded, while her then-owners were detained at her majesty´s pleasure. As it stands, there´s nothing more illicit aboard than builder´s tea.

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