Sunday 11 March 2012

Dream Warriors

I've been plagued by some bizarre night terrors in the past few days, climaxing in the best of them last night. In reality, I'm sleepng in a thin bottom bunk. It's perfectly comfortable, but where my head and shoulders are, it's enclosed on all sides - necessary for efficient ship design. If I move both arms outwards, my elbows touch the sides easily.

On the second night, I dreamt I had woken up in a coffin. I'm not sure if I was asleep or awake, but I pressed all the walls, but find no escape. In a panic, I pushed out hard to the right, and was very much awake when I hit the floor. Even at the time, on the floor, I found this quite amusing.

On the next night, I dreamt I was stuck in a pipe of some description - probably the pipe that Sigourney Weaver's Ripley uses in the classic and brilliant Aliens - and without panic, I started to work my way down the pipe in the direction of my feet. I woke up, in a scrunched up ball at the foot of the bed.

And last night was the climax. During our stop at Toro, I had had a good walk around the fishing boats. I woke up to find myself trapped in a box. I presumed this to the container piece on a fishing boat, where, I guess, they keep the fish alive in pool of water. I did not want to be there. I started banging on the lid of the container, shouting that I was trapped inside. To my great relief, I heard a voice from outside. I thought this was a fishermen's kid, and guessed he wouldn't speak English, but with more banging and shouting, I presumed he'd understand that I wanted to get out. Thirty impatient seconds later, the fisherman's son had not opened my tomb, and I was not pleased. A few moments later, I noticed that the voice has French accent. Then, I seemed to wake up and catch sight of Pascale, and further down, Wolf.

The next night, I slept with my torch tethered to my arm.

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