We´re about halfway to Piriapolis, and at a low enough latitude to start enjoying the sun during the day. Steve is reading out on deck. It´s still a touch too windy for my tastes.
I catch a couple of dolphins to starboard. It's just a couple of ten-a-penny Dusky's - not worth getting up for. A third Dusky joins them, then a fourth.
Who cares? Photo: Wikipedia. |
I suppose I'd get up for four dolphins. As I look back out the door of the doghouse, past Steve, I spot some commotion in the water, about a hundred meters directly behind us. After a few minutes, I´m reckoning there about two hundred dolphins chasing after us. I understand it's technically a "school" or a "pod", but this is more reminiscent of a swarm. They catch up with us and I hop up to the bow where five or ten Dusky´s are bow-riding - matching our pace and darting in and out of stream that we're cutting through the water. Off to starboard, about a quarter of the swarm are finless black and white characters. The book says they're Southern Right Whale dolphins.
Photo: eoearth.org |
The swarm enjoys our company for over an hour. They´re all having a whale of a time. They seem to be running competitions. They have separate competitions for height, distance, splash-zone, one-eighty barrel rolls, one-eighty backwards barrel rolls, butterfly kicks, forward flips, synchronised pairs, and in synchronised teams, upto five. It´s a pretty good matineĆ© show.
After the entertainment, I'm tasked with discarding an aging oversupply of bolognese that was adjudged to be to risky to eat. I hate to waste food. I hate not to eat meat. I very reluctantly chum perfectly delicious mince off the stern and into the sea.
Come on down and chum some of this shit |
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